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CD from Elhadji Dieme

Contemplative Kora music from Senegal

Cd from Elhadji Dieme, Senegal

suitable for Christmas time.
Also an ideal Christmas gift for the soul.
CD Orders

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News archive 2015

November 2015 : The time has come

Diary, Senegal November 2015

Marielle Furter

Today is the day! Over 100 children liven up the newly opened kindergarten in Niaguis.

Niaguis 1. Kigatag

I don't know who was the more excited, the children, their parents, the teachers or I, as we waited at the entrance of the kindergarten. My heart was pounding and joy was bubbling up inside of me. Radiant children, happy parents and motivated kindergarten teachers and also a very thankful headmaster were alle there. And I was filled with an incredible feeling of joy. Curiosity hung in the air, as big and small waited expectantly in the entrance hall.

Read more: November 2015 : The time has come

Octobre 2015 Inauguration

Diary, Senegal 17. October 2015

by Werner Brunner

An adventurous Trip to the Grand Opening of the Kindergarten in Niaguisse, Senegal

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The president of our association, his wife and 83 year old mother in law, undertook the adventurous trip to Senegal - a trip to an entierly different kind of world. After almost 24 hours, the small group finally reached the airport of Ziguinchor in good spirits, where they were eagerly awaited and greeted by Marielle Furter and her friends. After a rather short night, the whole group drove to Niaguisse for the grand opening of the first kindergarten which got founded through kindergartens4senegal.

Read more: Octobre 2015 Inauguration

October 2015

Diary, Senegal 2. October 2015

by Marielle Furter

niaguis 9 okt 012 20151012 1757436184After arriving in Senegal, I could hardly wait to see how far the construction of the kindergarten had progressed during my absence. So my friend and assistant Elhadji and I drove to Niaguis the same day, despite the very exhausing journey to Africa.

The long awaited erection of the roof had just recently been started. Originally the roof beams had been planned to be out of wood. But an external expert judged the wooden main beam as a safety hazard and so the main beam had to get replaced by one made of iron. The smaller cross beams are as originally planned made of wood.

Read more: October 2015

September 2015

Diary, Hägglingen in September 2015

from Marielle Furter

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After bringing the African sun with me to Switzerland in the end of June, my return to Senegal is getting closer with the cooling of the weather. It was a very eventful stay. Aside from plenty activities I also had many pleasant and encouraging conversations and encounters. Among other things, we visited the Juggler-Festival and also the Games-Festival from E&S in Villmergen with our "Story-Telling-Tent". Like in the past, the children enjoyed it very much and the overall appeal was good.

Now I'm really looking forward to our last event, before I leave on 16. September. It would be great, if I could see you all one more time at the Villmerger swimming pool to enjoy a couple of leisurely hours. For more information on the Benefit-Swimm-Festival, with flea market, sun bazar, games and more for "big and small", music and lots more, can be seen on the attached  Poster . The new building is almost roofed and the kindergarten is starting to take form. After my arrival on 19. September, the windows and doors, as well as the toilets and kitchen will get installed. In the meantime I will take care of the furnishing and the interior decoration. The grand opening is planned for 17. October 2015. 

I am looking forward to reporting once again live from Niaguis.

Marielle Furter

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