Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

CD from Elhadji Dieme

Contemplative Kora music from Senegal

Cd from Elhadji Dieme, Senegal

suitable for Christmas time.
Also an ideal Christmas gift for the soul.
CD Orders

Listen to Kora music

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Fundraisers archive 2014

Swimming Pool Villmergen, 21. September 2014

kindergardens4senegal will be visiting the swimming pool in Villmergen on Sunday, 21. September 2014 from 11AM until 7PM (depending on the weather). Beside the sailing regatta there will be a benefit flea market with an information stand about the work of our association and the project kindergardens4senegal. We are looking forward to many visitors.

We were Guests at the closing Event of the Swimming Pool in Villmergen

Zu Gast in der Badi VillmergenOn Sunday, 14. September 2014 our association was invited to the closing event at the swimming pool in villmergen. The proceeds of the flea market will go solely to our project kindergardens4senegal.

A big thank you to Marcel Brühlmann, the swimming pool attendant of Villmergen for the hospitality.

Juggler Festival in Lenzburg

Here are some impressions from the Fairytales and Storytelling Event at Juggler Festival in Lenzburg from the 15.-17. August 2014. It was welcoming and comfortable in the fabulous Storytelling-Tent, even though the weather felt very much like autumn.
A big "Thank you" to everyone for the donations and to all the people who had an open ear for our concerns.

Read more: Juggler Festival in Lenzburg

News from the Storytelling-Tent from 31. August 2014 in Villmergen

The day was stormy, is if we were out at sea. Very fitting, because the theme was "pirates". The children enjoyed the adventures and stories in the cozy, dry tent.

We were invited to the games festival, that was organized by the association S+E from Villmergen. The day was windy and rainy and only thanks to the endurance and help from some of the organizers we were able to save the tent and blankets from being blown away. After two hours of work and lots of goodwill, it was possible to provide the children with a safe and cozy Storytelling-Tent. It was decorated with an ocean theme, including all of its inhabitants.

Read more: News from the Storytelling-Tent from 31. August 2014 in Villmergen

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