Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

CD from Elhadji Dieme

Contemplative Kora music from Senegal

Cd from Elhadji Dieme, Senegal

suitable for Christmas time.
Also an ideal Christmas gift for the soul.
CD Orders

Listen to Kora music

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News archive 2019

A Steep Bost in our Second Year of Kindergarten in Goudiabya

You could say, that "There is always a Rainbow after the Rain".... or also "Miracles happen"

grosse Wiedersehensfreude

When I visited the children for the first time after the long school holidays, the joy of seeing each other again was evident and especially heartfelt on both sides. This made my motivation and confidence skyrocket. The first school year was accompanied by many turbulent times, difficult incidents and some unforeseen surprises, which sapped my strength and nerves. I am all the more pleased that everything has now turned 180 degrees. Until now, my project partner Elhadji and I are experiencing the exact opposite this year. The three classes are complete (with almost 30 children per class) and the kindergarten is filled with a very lively and cheerful hustle and bustle.

Read more: A Steep Bost in our Second Year of Kindergarten in Goudiabya

Highlight in Senegal, June 2019

The Final Spurt  
Üben mit Elhadji

The last weeks of the kindergarten year were an intense time, but also something special for all of us, as we practiced songs and dances for the school's closing party. The children showed a lot of joy and I myself enjoyed this time together very much, savoring the special relationship I have with the children, before my annual stay in Switzerland. To participate in the lessons, to support the children as well as the teachers, by helping to create a versatile learning environment, is not only the most beautiful part of my project work, but also the most important.

Read more: Highlight in Senegal, June 2019

Schulschlussfest am 12. Juni 2019

Goudiabya, 31. Mai 2019

Mit grosser Freude üben wir für unser erstes Schulschlussfest am 12. Juni 2019



Marielle mit Martin Stettler von der schweizer Botschaft

Once again, a special visitor announced himself last month. After the employees of the Swiss Embassy in Dakar had watched the program "Auf und davon", they had a spontaneous idea. This was due to a certain scene. Anyone who watched the program will understand it right away.

Read more: Surprise

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