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Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

CD from Elhadji Dieme

Contemplative Kora music from Senegal

Cd from Elhadji Dieme, Senegal

suitable for Christmas time.
Also an ideal Christmas gift for the soul.
CD Orders

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News archive 2022

The Symbolic Lego Nurseries are ready

In the many weekends that I moved from place to place with the Lego stand, have paid off. Shortly before Christmas, the last brick was laid in Lenzburg). After often enduring the cold, I am now very happy to start the realization of further kindergarten buildings under the sun of Senegal in January 2023. Thank you very much for every support at the booth and for all further donations. (Please note our new bank details).

I wish you a joyful new year, best health, confidence and light-filled hours.

Greetings, Marielle

 Lego-Kiga Stand, Villmergen, Dezember 2022  Lego-Kiga fertig

Lego Report - Volunteer Project June 22

The symbolically built kindergarten with sold Lego bricks could be realized in Senegal. Finally, after a longer interruption due to Corona, I could finally build the real classrooms, which were financed thanks to the income from the Lego stand, as well as with some other donations.

Accompanying the lessons shows great success. After a further training of the teachers from the kindergarten, I accompanied the lessons daily for two weeks to help the children to get to know the playgrounds. The little ones learn quickly and I am always surprised what an incredible development and enthusiasm I could observe after a short time.

 Lego-Stand, Gebäude  Neubau, Ecole 7, Mai 22

Read more: Lego Report - Volunteer Project June 22

News from Senegal, April 3, 2022

Great Support and Help - Swiss Volunteers get Involved

I am more than happy to be currently working with a real dream team in the different kindergartens. Together with a Senegalese intern, I currently have the voluntary cooperation of two volunteers from Switzerland for two months. Now we can take care of the introduction of play material in the group of four and accompany children and teachers at different playgrounds to create a versatile and joyful learning environment for the little ones. In the meantime, we are active in the 5th kindergarten, with three classes each from three to 5 years olds. The children are visibly developing and our play program is generating enthusiasm all around.

The Construction of Two New Classrooms is Done and Dusted

I am very grateful that we are able to experience a particularly hard-working bricklaying team during the realization of our new 4th kindergarten building. They are there every day, working constantly from early morning to late at a really good pace, with the same high standard quality.

Now the next stage is the roofing, windows and doors, followed by the plastering. I am looking forward to presenting the almost finished new building in a month, I hope.

 Best Trio  Neubau unter Dach

Read more: News from Senegal, April 3, 2022

News from Senegal, 13 February, 2022

Finally back with the Children

It is a wonderful feeling to be back working in kindergarten after a long break. The further training for teachers on the subject of play materials has started as planned and there is a great deal of interest. The following collaboration in the team is enthusiastic, especially of course for the children. While the different games are introduced in groups, the versatile environment allows the little ones to develop in all areas.

Simultaneously the construction work will begin again in the next few days. Two classrooms including toilet are planned in an existing kindergarten, which will be implemented under the direction of our project partner, Mr. Elhadji Dieme before the rainy season starts in June 2022. For years, the kindergarten children at this school have been taught in small bamboo mat makeshift classrooms, which do not really allow conducive teaching.

 Foto Kiga Bericht  Bambus-Prov. Ecole 7

Read more: News from Senegal, 13 February, 2022

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