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CD from Elhadji Dieme

Contemplative Kora music from Senegal

Cd from Elhadji Dieme, Senegal

suitable for Christmas time.
Also an ideal Christmas gift for the soul.
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July 10, 2015

Diary, Ziguinchor, 10. July 2015

from Marielle Furter I Pictures  >>

More pictures and films about the whole project "Niaguis" can be viewed under "Galerien".

The Kindergarten building shell is done, now it only needs the roof!!!

9a elhadji assistent kindergardens4senegl 20150713 1698868570I'm extraordinarly pleased to relay the message, that the work on the kindergarten is moving along quickly and going according to plan. The foundation alone took three weeks to get done, it got developed with a high level of quality and reliability. It was very interesting to follow this process. Building with a basement is not something you do here. The square holes, that got dug were done up with iron grating. More iron rods were placed horizontally and then the holes got filled up with contrete.

Another unforgettable moment: In the middle of June the first three rows of bricks were laid and the boarding got set up. For the first three rows, solid bricks were used. They as well as the usual kind with holes, got made by the hundreds. For the whole construction there is a "field" of more than 1000 bricks waiting, each one made by hand and dried in the sun.

The walls grew quickly every day in height and width, just as promised. The building team of about 20 people worked well, hand in hand. Split into different groups, they worked on the planned alveolar connected building. And all of this work was done without machines, so - no construction noise, nothing. There were workers to transport the sand and cement with wheelbarrows and a water carrier. The worker who mixed the cement and sand did so with a shovel, until the consistency was just right and then brought the mixtue to the bricklayer with another wheelbarrow. Then a henchman passes the appropriate brick to the bricklayers. And so, on it goes, brick after brick, mixture after mixture, wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow, and the result grows before ones eyes.

I flew back to Switzerland as mentioned in my last letter in May, for the beautiful wedding of Daniela Brunner (now Nübling). But then I travelled back to Zigninchor/Niaguis again on 9. June. It was so important to me, to watch over the building process, even though four experts from different institutions were there on site too.

Aside from Philippe Diedhiou, Dimbaya, Ibrahim Badji, Workergroup Niaguis and Elhadji Dieme, kindergardens4senegal, there is another neutral person, Jonas Biagui, who is responsible for all the construction sites in this region. He is from the "Department" and it is his responsibility to oversee all of the building sites. We assigned him to do weekly inspection rounds in Niaguis. Biagui does his job very conscientiously and for us it is an additional reassurance, that the construction is going on als planned and that reliable work is getting done. It must be said, that all of the experts keep track of the work being done and conduct strict inspections, everything gets put down in writing as well as being photographed.

I could witness this controlled procedure in the last couple of weeks. I kept up a regular exchange with the contractor as well as with the experts, and that has strengthend my already deep faith in the building process. What I also appreciate very much is the relationship, the benevolent and respectful way everyone treats one another, during meetings and in clarifying things. This way I can be sure, that during my two month absence everything will go on als well as if I were still on site. Additional to that, Elhadji is taking care of all the further processes and is in Niaguis filming and taking pictures. He is also taking care of the administrative buisness. We have a very active exchange (thats to Skype) and so I am kept up-to-date daily.

Currently the construction of the roof is getting started. The roof should be done by the end of July and then only the interior work will be left to do. The rains will now come even more frequently, but I have been assured, that there will be no negative impact on the new construction or on the work, that still needs to be done.

Another important issue is the sustainability. Even though many things have already been discussed before my trip to Switzerland, I wanted to be absolutely sure, that the project will go on as planned after the opening on 17. October 2015. During a discussion with the responsible inspector of the region Ziguinchor, he showed himselft not only pleased about the project, but also happy about my helpful presence. My concerns and requests were taken seriously (e.g. my right to have a say in the selection of the teachers). Also my regularly planed visits during kindergarten classes will be appreciated and welcome. So now, I will presumably visit the kindergarten weekly and introduce some new games and ideas to stimulate the childrens minds, also with crafts and table games. All of the participants are looking forward to this cooperation and I myself am very happy to be able to work more with children again. Aside from that, further training for the kindergarten teachers around Niaguis is planned. Teachers as well as the authorities have great interest in this deveopment.11 freudentanz m furter 20150713 1491945632

I would like to profit from my experiences from the project "Niaguis" and try to enable the building of another kindergarten in the neighboring town. Of course it is not possible for us to help everywhere. But I really would like to help this town and their children, because the need is especially great there. And after being able to realize the project in Niaguis and being able to witness every step, also being involved in the whole process and being part of all of the discussions, I am now very familiar with the people, authorities and processes involved. The difficult groundwork has been laid. The effort for a new project will be much smaller.

I would be very thankful and happy for more financial donations in the future. With more financial recourses it will be possible to help the children and their needs, so the circumstances in their own country can be improved.

Contact:                     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone CH                   076 715 78 86           (until the end of August 2015)
Phone Senegal            00221 77 844 51 55   (September 2015)

Marielle Furter

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