Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

CD from Elhadji Dieme

Contemplative Kora music from Senegal

Cd from Elhadji Dieme, Senegal

suitable for Christmas time.
Also an ideal Christmas gift for the soul.
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April 10, 2015

Diary, Ziguinchor, 10. April 2015

Documents, documents, documents...

Velo1After returning to Zinguinchor on 26. February from my unexpected visit to Switzerland, I needed to open a bank account. The first money transfer for the three planned building stages needed to take place as soon as possible, so that the construction of the Kindergarten could begin. Opening a bank account was not as easy as it sounds, in fact, it was a very complicated process. It didn't just take lots of time, it also racked my nerves. And not just mine.  To make sure, that I really was a trustworthy person, they always asked for more and different documents, unitl I was getting nightmares about them. I was filled with great relief and joy, when on 26. March, a whole month after returning, the bank account was finally established.


Now, at last, we can start building. At least that's what I thought. But no, even at this stage there are rules, that must be followed before you can begin with the building process. We needed to post our planned project in different public places, so that the contractors that were interested could make an offer.

In the second half of April the offers will be compared and evaluated by experts from Federation Dimbaya. Basically we all agree, that we want to keep working with the architect who designed the Kindergarten using our ideas and suggestions. We were more than happy with the outcome of the designs (see the diary entry from February). But of course it makes sense to compare the different offers - this also conforms with our beliefs of a reputable and serious approach. It is also very important to us, that all the legal processes are followed, so that there won't be any problems later on. But this also means, that we will need another month for these processes and it won't be until the end of April 2015 that we can definitely start building. Inshallah.

The pressure to finish the Kindergarten before the rainy season begins in June, makes me a bit jittery and I really have to try and be patient. But all of the responsible people agree, that once the construction starts it will go very quickly and without the quality having to suffer, because additional laborers will be assigned to the job, as well as qualified workers from Niaguis.

PartnerNow we are an official contractual partner to Federation Dimbaya, even though all the financial matters still only go through me. I am very thankful for all the support I am getting in this area. At this time I also want to mention, that Salif Kantounée has excepted a new job with the Red Cross and will start there on 1. April (sadly this is not an April Fools' Joke). He will, if necessary, help Dimbaya and Diaguis for an additional three months, working from Dakar. I have also been also working with other people from Dimbaya for quite a while, so this should not have any negative consequences for our project. I do understand though, that he wants to get on with his career, but I will miss him and the great teamwork we had very much.

salifPersonally I have settled in quite well in Ziguinchor. With my bicycle, that I have redesigned into a "kindergardens4senegal vehicle" I am very flexible at getting around. It helps me to get to know the streets, alleys and paths, even though I often have to pedal through deep sand and the heat almost kills me. But the many friendly greetings from the enchanted natives when I pedal past them, let me forget all of my struggles. This is Africa.




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