Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

CD from Elhadji Dieme

Contemplative Kora music from Senegal

Cd from Elhadji Dieme, Senegal

suitable for Christmas time.
Also an ideal Christmas gift for the soul.
CD Orders

Listen to Kora music

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Anniversary Episode «Auf und davon»

A Visit from the Swiss Television

Saturday, 16 February 2019, SF1 at 8 pm
1a Titelfoto Vorschlag

On 1 November 2018 a very special guest came to visit me in Sédhiou. Equipped with a large camera he was like my shadow, never very far away. On behalf of the Swiss Television SRF1, Matthias Lüscher came to capture the essence of my life and my project here in Senegal. This is a great opportunity for whoever is interested, to have a little insight into my everyday life and activities in my second homeland.

2 Foto 2 Vorbereitungen

It was a very hectic time, because the grand opening of the kindergarten was just around the corner, being planned for 5 November. One advantage of being very busy was however, the the initial nervousness was overcome and forgotten quite quickly. In addition Matthias became a real buddy and we enjoyed an easygoing relationship. We really had a good time together and often he gave me moral support as well.

3 Foto 3 offizielle Eroffnung

The official grand opening of the kindergarten that should have been the highlight, turned out differently from what I had personally hoped. Luckily Matthias was able to accompany me to the kindergarten for the first day of school. And that was truly my most special moment. The children were curious and could hardly wait to learn to play some new games with me, a warm relationship was quickly formed.

Marielle with children

The foundation for a fruitful cooperation with the children and as well as for their future development has ben laid.

more impressions......  
Gute HygieneGute Hygiene aMathias am Filmen
Mathias mit ChauffeurMathias mit KindernMathias spielt mit Kindern
TurnenTurnen a

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