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Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

CD from Elhadji Dieme

Contemplative Kora music from Senegal

Cd from Elhadji Dieme, Senegal

suitable for Christmas time.
Also an ideal Christmas gift for the soul.
CD Orders

Listen to Kora music

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Grand Opening of the Kindergarten in Goudiabya 5 November 2018

0 Titelfoto Kinder vor Kindergarten

Pictures say more than a thousand words.....

1 Dekor Ballone2 Vor Eroffnung3 Erwartungsvolle Kinder

5 Elhadji mit Kora6 Rede Marielle 
4 Best Partner7 Band durchschneiden8 Tanzende Frauen 

One month later......


The children settled in quickly and the lessons were very stimulating from the first day on. I am pleased to see how active the teachers strive to create stimulating classes. This is my most favorite time, when I can partake in the daily kindergarten lessons. To involve myself with the children and help support them in different areas, so they can enjoy a versatile development. That is my utmost concern. And I am thrilled how fast the children learn and that they are dicovering their talents and interests. This is just so very important for their personal development and outlook in later life.

9 Spielparadies10 Marielle spielt mit Kindern11 Ami mit Kindern 
12 Valentina mit Kindern15 Kinder spielen am Tisch16 Marielle mit Kindern 1 
13 Portrait Madchen14 Portrait Junge 
Bericht Aargauer Zeitung  


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