The Final Countdown...
Only 24 Days left, until the Grand Opening of the Kindergarten in Goudiabya on 5 November 2018 |
Heavy and longer than normal lasting rainfalls as well as a very fierce wind, put a stop to our work for a full week, after I had arrived back on 4 October. Not a single truck could drive to the kindergarten and no grass could get cut (it had grown into a meadow with high bushes in between in only 4 monts time). Looking on the bright side, this gave me time to move into my and my partner Elhadji's new home. It took six very loaded donkey carts to transport my things and one day to unpack and get organized. I am starting to feel at home, even though lots of things are still very improvised. |
Top Priority is Goudiabya and the Grand Opening of the Kindergarten 5 November 2018. The weather has finally calmed down and we are back to: on your marks, get set, go! There are exactly 24 days left until the opening. And again the program is bursting and there is an almost endless to-do list also. Dealing with everything in a confident manner and step by step, without of course letting things get hectic, just doesn't match the African pace. My very pregnant dog was the exact opposite. She was in a great hurry to give me my welcome home present. The morning after my arrival, she was surrounded by seven puppies. Now I myself am very curious how everything will work out and get done and will gladly keep you all up-to-date. Greetings from the humid and hot Sedhiou, Marielle |
more impressions..... | |