Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

CD from Elhadji Dieme

Contemplative Kora music from Senegal

Cd from Elhadji Dieme, Senegal

suitable for Christmas time.
Also an ideal Christmas gift for the soul.
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October 2016

Diary, Senegal / Switzerland, October 2016

by Marielle Furter

1a fete 2016

It has been quite some time since my last report from Senegal. The events came thick and fast and this first kindergarten year was very labor intensiv as well. It was very interesting to learn about the educational system here in Senegal, but on the other hand I was glad that the teachers had an open mind for my suggestions too. In addition we held many meetings on how the kindergarten should be structured and also how it should operate in detail. I was in contact with the parent's council, the town authorities as well as the inspectors and also other people who were responsible for the running of the kindergarten. All of this kept me busy almost 24/7.

2j niaguis 2016
2i niagui 2016
1b fete 2016
1 fete 2016
1g fete 2016
The best part of all though, were the wonderful hours that I got to spend with the kindergarten children every week. Their enthusiasm and curiosity were wonderful to observe and also beeing able to see them deveoping in such a positive way, energized me time and again.


Highlight: The End-of-School-Celebration, 4 June 2016

The planning started about six weeks before the celebration took place. This event couldn't have taken place without our support. The anticipation was great in children and grown-ups alike. Everyone was busy studying skits and other perfrmances to this year's theme "Equal Rights". The children's performance, the "Children's Rigths" that were declared loudly, triggered the most applause from the visitors. With enough food and drink for everyone and of course lots of music and dancing, the event went on all day.


School vacation from July to September

During the rainy season, the schools in Senegal stay closed. So his is the best time for me to follow up on the many activities from our association in Switzerland. It's not all about the fund-raising events and information meetings, general asembly or thanking different schools for their voluntary work and presentations, it is also about the personal encoutners that I wouldn't want to miss. The personal contact to the team of Kindergarns4senegal, as well as to the benefactors is very important to me.


The second Schoolyear in Niaguis had a good Start

On 3 October I left Switzerland for Senegal and on reaching Niaguis was very surprised to find the kindergarten had already opened for the new schoolyear, earlier than planned. I guess the children just couldn't wait to go start kindergarten again or to be newly enrolled. They had been quite sad in June, when the schoolyear had ended and vacation was about to begin. Still more children are being enrolled, so the actual number of students per class won't be known until November.

I especially enjoyed visiting the new 1st graders in school. They had been the older kindergarten class last year, and they were so pleased to see me! The children came running as soon as I appeared at the door. Happiness filled my heart as the children crowded around me, skipping and dancing.


Intermezzo in Switzerland

Unexpectedly good news reached me in Senegal shortly after I arrived, and that brought me back to Switzerland on 18 October. A very special event is giving us the honor..... I can't tell you more and spoil the secret, but by mid November I'll give you another tip (under this link). I am very pleased that the kindergarten in Niaguis started the new schoolyear so well and independently, so now I can stay in Switzerland for another month without having to worry.

Greetings, Marielle Furter


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