Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

CD from Elhadji Dieme

Contemplative Kora music from Senegal

Cd from Elhadji Dieme, Senegal

suitable for Christmas time.
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May 2016: My Vision came true

Diary, Senegal in May 2016

from Marielle Furter

My Vision came true

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My Vision came true. I am more than happy, that I can work as a part time kindergarten teacher since March. And of course it is a very special feeling to teach in "our" école maternelle in Niaguis. As I introduce new toys and games to our very interested and enthusiastic children, my heart beats faster. This is one of the reasons, why I will be staying in Senegl until the end of the school year, before I return to Switzerland for 3 months in the beginning of July.

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General Meeting 2016
I hope the members of our association will understand, that that is the reason the meeting will be postponed until after summer vacation. It is very important to me to be able to attend this meeting at the end of August. The invitations will be sent at least a month before the planned meeting by postal service.

It is hard to describe the joy that the donated toys triggered even in the grown-ups. As we were getting the toys and games ready to show the teachers, so they could familiarize themselves with everything, the women began to dance and cheer. Just like Alice in Wonderland they wanted to discover everything. It was touching to see the joy and curiosity of the whole team of teachers, including Madame la Directrice, Janinne Christine Mancabo, as they explored game after game. In the end it took more than an hour until we could begin with the inventory.

Even the regional inspector, M. Diagne came to visit. He was very enthusiastic as he thanked us and all of our sponsors for our great support. He is very grateful for the wonderful kindergarten we built, and also that we stayed involved even after it was completed. He also appreciates my frequent visits and the all of the toys and games that got donated to the kindergarten. I am pleased, that the realtionship to M. Diagne is good. His offer to help with anything 24/7 if needed, helps me feel supported. I am very confident, that the collaboration with the state will be good.

Currently we are organizing the first end-of-school celebration, it will be on 4. June. This celebration is only possible thanks to the financial support of kindergardens4senegal. Everyone is looking forward to it. There will be singing and dancing and the children are also rehearsing a short skit to this year's theme "Equal Rights".  A tailor, as it is common here, will sew garments out of the same cloth for all of the children to dress up in. 

This celebration also has a special meaning for our association. During this first school year, everything that was needed for the kindergarten was delivered step by step. At the same time the kindergarten established an attractive, joyful and an eager-to-learn environment. I am very happy, that we can enjoy this high standard in our kindergarten. That is the other reason, why we want to celebrate this last school year. After the children's performances in the morning, we will be having music and dancing for everybody. Later the children, their parents and the town's authorities will be invited to lunch.

After this celebration the financing in Niaguis is generally completed. The kindergarten can finance the running costs on its own with the children's school fees. Even though the school fees are very low (CFa 1000 = sFr. 2.- / per month, so that all of the families are able to pay the fees), with over 100 children attending kindergarten it is enough to cover the operating costs. Because we chose to open a state-run kindergarten, we will receive all of the expendable supplies as well as local educational books from the inspector.

Of course I will stay involved with the kindergarten and will also supply financial help if needed. The sustainability of this kindergarten is very important to us. And of course Niaguis will always have as special place in my heart. I will enjoy staying involved and will probably never lose track of the kindergarten in the future either.

Future Plans
We are already raising money for a second project, so that even more children have a chance to attend kindergarten. I will not start with the actual planning until the next school year. Then when I am convinced, that the kindergarten is running and is managed as well as this last year I will seriously take the planning of a second kindergarten in account. This time, the state and the kindergarten itself will take over the responsibility for the financing and the education. And that was our goal - to help people to help themselves. And as already mentioned I will stay involved with the kindergarten in Niaguis for the next couple of years. Aside from having "everything a bit under control", I don't want to miss the friendly contact with the team and with the whole village, but especially I don't want to miss out on the time I get to spend with the children.

With much gratitude
Marielle Furter



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