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CD from Elhadji Dieme

Contemplative Kora music from Senegal

Cd from Elhadji Dieme, Senegal

suitable for Christmas time.
Also an ideal Christmas gift for the soul.
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News from Senegal, February 2024

What a Wonderful Start in Senegal

After joining the school a little later this school year, not only was the anticipation all the greater, but I was also presented with a particularly pleasing picture. Above all, I received an extremely warm welcome in the kindergartens, from the teachers as well as from the beaming children. And the play program is starting to become a regular part of the lessons.

In addition, the planning of the final construction work for an office with a storage room and the front of the enclosure has already been completed. In a joint meeting with the kindergarten director of Ecole 2 and the building inspector, we found good solutions for the required quality and use.

What I am also very pleased about is the constructive, open discussion with the new patron of the responsible inspectorate for intensive, regular cooperation in the pedagogical area. The quality of teaching, the interest and the visible enthusiasm of the children in the playgrounds are the areas that are particularly close to my heart. As I always say, the new buildings alone are not enough. They form the basis and opportunity for beneficial teaching, but what happens inside them is just as importantent.

Steckerli Spiel 1 Dankeskärtli

Video "Merci Tada Marielle

I am really overwhelmed by so many good things that have happened since I arrived just three weeks ago. In the two kindergartens that I was the first to accompany, I was able to experience in the most positive way how well the introduced play program is incorporated into the lessons even in my absence. This is crucial for the sustainable development of the varied learning environment and the resulting development of the children. At the same time, these positive, pleasing observations confirm to me that the way I introduce play materials works and is understood.

Especially at Ecole 2, I experience a particularly intensive collaboration with the kindergarten director, M. Youssouph Sakho. He is so committed and concerned about the children's well-being in a way that I rarely experience to this extent. At this kindergarten, it is now also important to complete the construction work on the spontaneous promise made last year for an office with storage space. This building is also an advantage for me, so that the stock of play materials can be stored carefully from our side. The construction work on the front of the "Clôture" for a secure outdoor playground is a matter of honor, as our logo is to be placed there right next to the entrance door. In appreciation of the new kindergarten building in 2021.

It also seems that my major concern is being fulfilled, namely that cooperation with the inspectorate will regain the regularity and intensity it had with the responsible inspector Sagna, who has since retired. A brief but in-depth first meeting with the new boss gives me great confidence. This equally important component of sustainability was somewhat neglected last year. On the one hand, because I was very busy with the construction work on the classrooms and toilets at Ecole 5 and at the same time supervising lessons in the various kindergartens in Sedhiou, and on the other, because the new, top management of the inspectorate first had to familiarize itself. This year, I would therefore like to focus primarily on the varied and enjoyable lessons for the children, embedded in the government guidelines that the children should be encouraged more with play materials. However, the big challenge for those responsible here is that they have hardly any experience of this themselves. However, there seems to be general progress in this area, as various further training courses on manual work have already been carried out by the inspectorate since November. Attention and commitment to teaching is also currently being focused on pre-school children in particular. This initiative on the part of the responsible inspectors and teachers is not only a great relief for me in my pedagogical work in connection with play materials, but also confirms me personally on my path of suitable and helpful support for the youngest children .

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Marielle Furter