Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

CD from Elhadji Dieme

Contemplative Kora music from Senegal

Cd from Elhadji Dieme, Senegal

suitable for Christmas time.
Also an ideal Christmas gift for the soul.
CD Orders

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News from Senegal, February 2023

Bulletin 16. February 2023

While planning the current construction project of the very much needed extra classroom and toilets at Ecole 5, I was also able to add some color to the building at Ecole 7 that I built last year. I always wait until after the rainy season to do this. As with all our kindergartens, the kindergarten room of the "moyenne section" (middle class) got painted green, while the "big kids" are now surrounded by a soft purple color. For me personally, it is always the highlight of every kindergarten construction project when the buildings present themselves in color. My joy grows with the visible enthusiasm of the teachers, children and their parents. At the same time, I have once again started with the further training for teachers and the subsequent "play program" in their kindergartens. This means that I accompany the lessons during two full weeks until the different playgrounds are familiar to the children -and teachers-. It is the same support that was given last year for varied teaching of lessons, that sadly I could not do in all 10 kindergartens in Sedhiou since there just wasn’t enough time.
Ecole 7 in Farbe Dankesgrüsse der Kinder Steck-Spiel Ecole 4, Feb. 23

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Bank details

Payment for:
5612 Villmergen

In favor of:
CH51 8080 8004 4962 8141 1

5607 Hägglingen


kindergardens4senegal is a non-profit association, your donations can be deducted from taxes.

Thank you for your donation.
Marielle Furter