Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

CD from Elhadji Dieme

Contemplative Kora music from Senegal

Cd from Elhadji Dieme, Senegal

suitable for Christmas time.
Also an ideal Christmas gift for the soul.
CD Orders

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An African Festival in Wohlen

Fundraising Event for kindergardens4senegal

13 October 2019, Chappelehof Wohlen AG
Benefiz-Veranstaltung, Chappelehof Wohlen AG

The African festival with its great variety, that we had for our 5th anniversary was a complete success. The exuberant and cheerful atmosphere quickly spread throughout the numerous visitors of all ages. The culinary feast and colorful market, the play corner for the children and above all the great music of Elhadji Dieme, Kora, with Mathias Schiesser, percussion, as well as the reggae of Tan Pickney triggered a wave of enthusiasm. Thank you so much to all the guests, musicians and to the team of helpers. This wonderful event will remain in our memory for a long time to come.

  Begrüssung durch Marielle FurterHelfer Team Saama Leyka
Die ersten Gäste sind schon da

The first guests arrived at the Chappelehof in Wohlen at 2 pm. While some of them enjoyed being outside in the beautiful weather, others spread out in the hall, that already radiated African ambience with its beautiful decoration. The guests were soon enticed by the smell of Senegalese dishes and the large selection of cakes. Accompanied by the heartwarming Kora music everything seemed to taste even better.

Der farbenfrohe Markt mit Handwerk aus dem Senegal

The visitors enjoyed the colorful market with its handmade crafts from Senegal. The jewelry, clothes, bags, purses and many other crafts were a delight for the buyer’s senses. It took a while for the children’s play corner to get discovered. But as the afternoon went on, it became more lively and crowded.  Many visitors gathered in front of the stage, as the groovy band Tan Pickney began its performance in the early evening. The audience was caught up in the music and the authentic musicians. It didn't take long before the front rows started moving to the beat.

Kora Klänge mit Elhadji

Marielle Furter, president and head of projects of kindergardens4senegal, was very pleased to see how interested the visitors were in her work in Senegal. She also had many inspiring discussions during the ongoing event. It was wonderful to see so many satisfied and happy visitors. The association is pleased with this successful celebration. The visitors and guests, as well as with all participants enjoyed the event tremendously. Furthermore, the festive mood and atmosphere had a positive effect on the proceeds of the evening. The motivated and committed team of helpers, who worked hand in hand, was a great contribution to the success of the event. They deserve a special compliment.

Both visitors and the association are flirting with the idea of similar celebration in the next year.

Kora Klänge mit BegleitungDie Band Tan Pickney
Unser Küchen Team Der Markt Spielecke für die Kinder


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