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CD from Elhadji Dieme

Contemplative Kora music from Senegal

Cd from Elhadji Dieme, Senegal

suitable for Christmas time.
Also an ideal Christmas gift for the soul.
CD Orders

Listen to Kora music

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Chilbi Villmergen, 9./10. Sept. 2022

Rainy Season in Senegal - Activities in Switzerland

Our traditional Senegal market stall for the benefit of kindergardens4senegal was part of the Chilbi Villmergen, 9 and  September 2022. With the colorful array of clothes, scarves, bags a varied assortment of jewelry and more, many visitors enjoyed our table with mainly handicrafts from Senegal. The children especially enjoyed the stuffed animal slingshot

Next event: Information evening on Tuesday, 27 September 2022, 8.15 p.m., Rectory Hägglingen

Whoever is interested in the current kindergarten projects 2022 in Senegal is warmly invited to the personal annual report, which will be especially interesting with the included pictures and videos. (With snacks and small Senegal booth). I am looking forward to every visitor.


Marielle Furter
Project Manager

 Märtstand Chilbi Villmergen 2022  Tierli-Schleuder

Thanks to good weather on both days there was a particularly nice Chilbi atmosphere. Although our assortment was more fitted to the summer season, it attracted many people. And besides, instruments, pictures, bags and jewelry also do fit every season. But what became a big attraction was the converted “chocolat-kiss” slingshot for the children. They clearly had great fun competing in hitting the funny face. And the good thing was that the children were allowed to shoot the ball until they finally hit it. If the ball was hit successfully, a little owl came flying and they were allowed to choose a cuddly toy. The proceeds will be used for further projects in Senegal.

As in recent years, the door is open to all donors and other interested persons to visit the annual report after the official part of the general assembly. I will tell you about the last few months in Senegal that were especially successful this year. Regarding the construction of our fourth kindergarten, as well as in the introduction and accompaniment of a versatile and playful education concept in many different kindergartens in Sedhiou. (More about this in the last website report, July 2022).


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